A unit of St. George Healthcare, Kozhencherry
Affiliated to S. A. Hospital & Research Foundation, Vadasserikkara
Inaugurated in June 2022, St. George
Audiology and Speech Therapy Clinic has a state-of-the-art audiometric testing room and equipments. Hearing impairments affect millions of people in many different ways. We’re here to find the solution that’s right for you. Everyone is unique in their personal experiences with hearing loss therefore we will offer you individual support and guidance.
If you’re a first-time client, please get in touch to schedule your initial consultation.
Symptoms of hearing loss
If you can answer YES to one or more of these questions you might have hearing loss.
1. Do you find that people around you mumble or speak softly?
2. Do you find conversations in restaurants or crowded places difficult?
3. Do you often have to turn up the volume on your TV, radio or phone?
4. Do friends and family members complain that they have to repeat what they say to you?
5. Do you have to look at people’s faces in order to be able to understand what they are saying?
6. Have you noticed that everyday sounds, like the twittering of birds, footsteps or the clock ticking, are gone?

Hearing loss is defined as one of three types:
Conductive hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss is typically the result of obstructions in the outer or middle ear — perhaps due to fluid, tumors, earwax or even ear formation. This obstruction prevents sound from getting to the inner ear. Conductive hearing loss can often be treated surgically or with medicine.
Sensorineural hearing loss
Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss. It occurs when the inner ear nerves and hair cells are damaged — perhaps due to age, noise damage or something else. Sensorineural hearing loss impacts the pathways from your inner ear to your brain. Most times, sensorineural hearing loss cannot be corrected medically or surgically, but can be treated and helped with the use of hearing aids.
Mixed hearing loss
It is a combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.
Aging and chronic exposure to loud noises both contribute to hearing loss. Other factors, such as excessive earwax, can temporarily reduce how well your ears conduct sounds.
You can't reverse most types of hearing loss. However, you and your doctor or a hearing specialist can take steps to improve what you hear.
Causes of hearing loss
Hearing loss is often associated with advancing age, but this is not always the case. Although it can strike people at any age, the condition most often appears after the age of 65. But it can also be caused by infections, injury or birth defects.
Age-related hearing loss
As we get older we may lose the ability to hear softer, high-pitched sounds. Birdsong is fairly easy to live without, but getting by when you lose some of the building blocks of speech is a far more challenging business.
Age-related hearing loss is caused by daily life-long wear and tear of the hearing system, and the most common symptoms are trouble hearing soft voices, as well as trouble hearing speech when background noise is present. Often, family members will notice age-related hearing loss before the person with the loss is really bothered by it
Noise-induced hearing loss
This is often caused by overexposure to excessive noise. It threatens the hearing of military personnel, police officers, construction workers, factory workers, farmers, dentists and kindergarten teachers – to name but a few. Rock concerts and MP3 players can also damage people’s hearing. Regular exposure to loud noise will accelerate hearing loss. That’s why it’s important to always wear ear protectors if you are exposed to excessive noise.
If you’re like most Indians, you get routine health checkups every year. You get a physical, your teeth cleaned, and your eyes tested. But do you remember to get your hearing checked? Even if you feel like your hearing is fine, getting regular hearing tests helps detect and address problems as soon as possible. And, the best thing about hearing tests? They’re quick, they’re painless, and you don’t have to study!
Things that can cause sensorineural hearing loss are:
Excessive noise exposure
Viral infections (such as measles or mumps)
Ototoxic drugs (medications that damage hearing)
High fever or elevated body temperature
Ménière's disease (a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance)
Acoustic tumours
Things that can cause conductive hearing loss are:
Infections of the ear canal or middle ear resulting in fluid or pus buildup
Perforation or scarring of the eardrum
Wax buildup
Dislocation of the middle ear bones (ossicles)
Foreign objects in the ear canal
Otosclerosis (an abnormal bone growth in the middle ear)
Abnormal growths or tumours
Five great reasons to get a hearing test
The National Institute of Health (NIH) reports that 15 percent of adults — that’s 37.5 million — have trouble hearing. About 2 percent of adults aged 45 to 54 have disabling hearing loss. This jumps to 50 percent for those aged 75 and over. And, although 28.8 million adults could benefit from the use of hearing aids, many have never tried them. Here are some reasons to reconsider.
#1. Hearing loss can lead to cognitive decline
Studies show that hearing loss can be associated with a faster rate of cognitive decline. Researchers believe that untreated hearing loss can cause the brain to become overworked and fatigued. Additionally, when people don’t hear well, they tend to avoid social situations, which can lead to isolation and reduced brain stimulation. Proper use of hearing devices can help reduce the risk of “brain drain.”
#2. Setting a baseline is important
Even if your hearing is perfect, it’s important to set a point of reference for the future. As we age, our hearing tends to change, and having a baseline helps your hearing care provider monitor any changes over time. This is valuable for early intervention and can catch any changes that you may not even notice yourself.
#3. You may already be missing out
If you’re already experiencing untreated hearing loss, you may not know what you’re missing! We often hear from happy customers that they forgot the sounds of leaves rustling, birds chirping, or certain musical tones. You might not even realize you’re asking people to repeat themselves. A hearing test can help you evaluate your level of hearing loss and address it right away.
#4. Hearing loss is treatable
Don’t assume you can’t do anything about hearing loss — you can. Often, your hearing care provider can suggest treatments and devices to support and improve your hearing. Some hearing devices can even help with issues like tinnitus. The only way to find out is through a quick and easy hearing test.
*courtesy - Oticon

For this test, you wear earphones attached to the audiometer. Pure tones of a specific frequency and volume are delivered to one ear at a time. You are asked to signal when you hear a sound. The minimum volume required to hear each tone is graphed. A device called a bone oscillator is placed against the mastoid bone to test bone conduction.
Otoscopy is performed for each client, before testing, to check for the presence of ear wax or ear infection of any kind.
This test measures the function of the ear drum and the flow of sound through the middle ear. A probe is inserted into the ear and air is pumped through it to change the pressure within the ear as tones are produced. A microphone monitors how well sound is conducted within the ear under different pressures.
Otoscopy is performed for each client, before testing, to check for the presence of ear wax or ear infection of any kind.